2,500 “dick picks” found in work phone of Austrian chancellor’s best friend

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz - Flickr/UNIS Vienna
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The central European country of Austria is currently dealing with an affair that  has just become rather delicate 

Corruption and cronyism. These are the words that have been shaking the politics of Austria for the past few weeks.

The central European country’s chancellor is facing allegations that he influenced a selection procedure for a state-run company ÖBAG.

The allegations read that Kurz ensured that his long-time friend, Thomas Schmid, gets the position of the director. 

As a part of the evidence, the investigators used snaps of their mutual communication suggesting that Kurz helped Schmid to get the job.

“You’re getting everything you want 😘😘😘,” Kurz reassured Schmid in a text message in March of 2019.

“🙂🙂🙂 I’m so happy…I love my chancellor,” Schmid reportedly responded.

Schmid was named the director in 2019.

And now the affair has become rather delicate. According to Swiss tabloid Blick.ch, the investigators found more than 2,500 photographs of male genitalia, often nicknamed “dick pics”, in Schmid’s phone.

How the photos leaked is a mystery to be solved.

“There are probably leaks in the prosecution office which puts Justice Minister Alma Zadic under fire from massive criticism,” Blick.ch wrote.

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